Travel Writers Wanted!

Calling All Wanna-Be Travel Writers …

Do You Have What It Takes to Become a Travel Writer? Would You Like to Get Paid to Travel the World and Tell Others About Your Experiences?

Put your name on the invite list below and we’ll send you video instructions on how you can try out to write for publications around the world looking for fresh perspectives on great destinations like Paris, London, Ecuador, Panama, The Greek Isles, Las Vegas, the Caribbean, Hawaii and more …

Note: We respect your privacy. We will never sell your email address or send it to third party vendors. It will be used only to send you this how-to try out video and our free newsletter The Right Way to Travel where you�ll get updates on the kinds of stories that sell best� tips on selling photos with your travel stories for twice the pay� specifics on the kinds of emails you�ll need to approach editors and more.

The try outs are open to everyone. It doesn’t matter what your background is … how old you are … how far you went in school … where you want to travel … or even if you want to travel (some travel writers stay close to home and write only about their hometown and neighboring destinations).

No previous writing experience is required.

Here’s what a few people have said about the travel writer’s life …

“Even after more than twenty years as a travel writer, the night before a trip is always exciting. Tonight my head is sizzling with maps and boat timetables … with thoughts of truffle shavings and inky squid risotto … of sunlight on the Adriatic. I fly to Croatia tomorrow-a country with a dramatic coastline, myriad islands, and medieval walled cities that traded with the Venetians. Dubrovnik in springtime! Sometimes I really do have to pinch myself as a reminder that my 'dream job' isn't a dream.”

– Steenie Harvey

“I just returned from an incredible adventure in Norway where I sampled all manner of fish, cheese, chocolate, locally brewed beers and more three course meals than I can count. I was also the only American journalist attending the opening day of Roros Fair – a 150 year old tradition where people travel anywhere from 3 to 10 days by horse and sleigh over frozen lakes and rivers to arrive at the market. Oh, and I drove a reindeer sled!”

–Terri Marshall

"I have more articles to write than I can handle these days. I just got back from 28 days in Europe on assignment for 11 magazines, researching 27 different articles! I love the travel writer’s life."

– Roy Stevenson

“One of my favorite trips last year was Rosarito in the northern part of Baja, Mexico. I walked the beach, shopped in the nearby open-air markets, sampled delectable food and margaritas, had a spa treatment, and conducted expat interviews. From that one trip, I’ve had seven articles published, with one more submitted and under consideration. I had a great time, delivered great PR for Baja, made some new friends, and the best part – the accommodations, meals, massage, and excursions were free and then I got paid to write the articles.”

–Patti Morrow

“I usually travel and stay for free. And of course I get paid to write about my experiences on the road … which has turned out to be a handy supplemental retirement income. But for me, the true value of being a freelance travel writer is not the money … although that’s nice. The value is in the freedom, independence, and lifestyle that travel writing enables. As a freelance writer, you can work where you want … as much (or as little) as you want … and for whom you want.”

– Larry Harris

These are just a few examples of real people who are out there living the travel writer’s life. If trips like these sound like an ideal vacation to you, or if you’d like to supplement your retirement with some extra income and VIP perks when you travel, then add your name below to hear more about trying out.

Note: We respect your privacy. We will never sell your email address or send it to third party vendors. It will be used only to send you this how-to try out video and our free newsletter The Right Way to Travel where you�ll get updates on the kinds of stories that sell best� tips on selling photos with your travel stories for twice the pay� specifics on the kinds of emails you�ll need to approach editors and more.

If you’re ready to explore the world on someone else’s dime while traveling like a VIP, and getting paid for it, you won’t want to miss this special presentation and open try out opportunity.

You’ll hear stories from several travel writers who left their 9-5 jobs in pursuit of their passion for traveling. Find out how they did it, how they’ve found success, and how you can too.

You’ll also discover:

  • The best place to get your foot in the door and get your first paycheck
  • How to land VIP perks like hotel upgrades, first-class travel, and more …
  • How to take a $3,000 trip for free, and earn a total of $1,200
  • Exactly what you need (and don’t need) to be a successful travel writer
  • How to get started before the weekend, and be on your way to your first byline
  • Hot to put the odds of success in your favor—and speed up your learning curve
  • Why there’s such a big demand for travel writers now …
  • And more …

Put your name on the invitation list and I’ll send you details about trying out to be a travel writer. This could be just the chance you’ve been waiting for, to see the world, meet new people, and really live the travel writer’s life.

You have nothing to lose. Put your name on the invitation list today:

Note: We respect your privacy. We will never sell your email address or send it to third party vendors. It will be used only to send you this how-to try out video and our free newsletter The Right Way to Travel where you�ll get updates on the kinds of stories that sell best� tips on selling photos with your travel stories for twice the pay� specifics on the kinds of emails you�ll need to approach editors and more.

I hope you’ll join me on this adventure!


Lori Allen
Director, Great Escape Publishing

Great Escape Publishing will never sell, rent or otherwise abuse your e-mail address. It will be used solely for the purpose of sending you information about travel writing. Should you wish to unsubscribe at any time, instructions are included with each e-mail for immediate removal from the subscriber file.

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