We have so many Great Escape Publishing success stories coming in now from members selling their photos, videos, tours, and travel stories – I’m running out of space to tell you about them one at a time.

Please help me applaud the following readers who have written in lately. Hopefully their stories below will inspire you to get outside with your camera (and a pen and paper for notes) and start on your own photography and travel writing goals…

**Congratulations Tracey Schultz! After attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in San Diego, Tracey got an article published in Allways Traveler, another one in Travel Post Monthly, and two articles published in Vacation Rental Travels Magazine.

**Congratulations Cindy Eccles! Using the Turn Your Pictures into Cash program, Cindy earned a bit of international notoriety for her photos. She writes…

“While visiting family and friends in Seattle, I was out and about with my camera every day. I was focused on taking images from a travel perspective when I literally walked into a unique opportunity. A bright yellow champion-sized ping pong table was sitting in the middle of an empty pier. I took several images and sent a couple to the manufacturer who is based in Europe. They were thrilled and have asked to license them for their marketing and promotions. My images are now in the hands of an international organization. I will be credited in their magazines and brochures – now that’s a confidence booster!”

**Congratulations Melanie Lynn! After attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Boston, Melanie used Jen’s technique for writing short travel stories in record time and sent her piece into a travel writing contest at AFAR Magazine and she won!! The 150-word highlight took her all of 30 minutes to write and it landed her a two-night stay in any Westin property in the world – a value of over $500!”

**Congratulations Michael Wood! Michael has been a fan of our programs for a while. Now he’s combining everything he’s learned to memorialize the Navy Seals. He writes…

“Both of your courses on travel writing and stock photography really helped with my first book: U.S. Navy SEALs of San Diego. Then, your blogging program and video program helped with the release of my new book: Project Quick Find: Memoirs of a U.S. Navy SEAL training sea lions. I am not a six-figure income success yet but by combining many of the products and training you offer, I believe I am on my way!”

**Congratulations John Bechtel! After attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, John took Jennifer Stevens’ advice to start local and kicked off his travel writing career. He writes…

“Since attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, I have been published four times, with two more coming up soon. My most recent article was about the Mall of America. You said to start local, so that’s what I did. It’s a challenge when you live in a place where the next small town is over 100 miles away, and the entire state only has a population of 800,000. The Mall of America took me to the outer fringes of ‘local’ and I got about $500 worth of comps on that trip. Then, three weeks ago the largest daily newspaper in north central and northwest North Dakota asked me to write a new bi-weekly column in the paper on Food and Travel. It’s a start. As long as I am of sound mind and body I will continue to travel as a travel writer. It trains your perceptions like nothing else!”

I am so excited for these members – and this is just a few of them. Dedra, Noreen, and Tawna’s stories are still to come.

2014 was our best year ever for success stories and that’s probably because editors are so hungry for new and unique content – photos, stories, and video.

But what’s really great is that 2015 is already shaping up to be our best year yet. Those who are simply “trying” are actually “doing.”

If you have a success story to share, you can use the Contact Us link on our website, here.

Join the many who are out there making cool videos, taking photos, and getting articles and books published. If they can do it, so can you!

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up today here and we’ll send you a report, Get Paid to Travel as a Travel Writer, completely FREE.]

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