Be Daring—Sell Your Travel Story

With airplane fares cheaper than ever in history, most of the population can travel. So if you contact a travel magazine to sell them a story about the place you are visiting without a specific angle they will most probably reply: “No, thank you” (or not at all). They...

100 Travel Story Ideas: Get Paid To Write

It didn’t take long after I’d completed the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program in September 2014 to understand that if I wanted to be a published writer, I simply needed to find interesting topics to write about, then decide where to send those stories.   My first two...

The Easiest Way To Get Published For The First Time

The Easiest Way To Get Published For The First Time

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to introduce your own -- or any -- city to a visitor, tell them the best places to visit, eat, and stay. You have 24 hours. Good luck. Being a travel writer is not all about fancy hotels and gourmet cuisine. Sometimes it...

22 Travel Story Ideas To Get You Published

It can be hard to find ways to generate article topic ideas, so here’s a graphic to help you… Ways to generate article topic ideas: The biggest tip? Just go for it. Yes, you’ve heard it before…but, really, I can’t emphasize it enough. You’ve got to bite the bullet....

Travel Writing Tip: Drawing Readers In To Your Story

When new writers sit down to tap out a story, many turn to “the question” as a way to begin telling it. For example: • Have you ever wanted to ski in the summer? • Need a break from the sun and sand while visiting South Florida? • With seven hours before our flight,...

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