Four Tips For A Successful FAM Trip

Obviously, travel writers love to travel. Otherwise why would we be in this business?  So when those FAM trip (or press trip) invitations arrive in our inboxes, we pay attention.  But accepting every FAM trip invitation that comes your way isn’t always a great idea. ...

Boost Your Writing Credibility To Gain VIP Travel Treatment

What has amazed me even more than the fascinating destinations I’ve visited over the years as a travel writer are the people I’ve met along the way and the unique experiences that would not have been available to me as an “ordinary” tourist.   It’s the one perk you...

5 Tips To Get Started As A Travel Writer

Five years ago, I never thought I’d see the words “Travel Writer” on my business card. I knew I wanted to travel more. I just never thought I’d get paid to do it.  Since taking that first step, it has been a kick seeing my articles published in dozens of magazines and...

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