How To Write Strong Travel Pitches (And Hook Editors)

One of the biggest challenges for freelance travel writers is crafting great pitches. You might have a great story idea and a perfect publication in mind, but your first job is convincing an editor to run your piece.  My first job in travel writing was as a deputy...

Find Your Travel Writing Niche

I’m a firm believer that one of the best ways to get into travel writing—or any writing, for that matter—is to find your niche.  Take something you love, something you know, or something you’re good at, and make it your niche. My niche is India.  I spent a few months...

How To Achieve Success At Anything In Life

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”  It was Walt Disney who first said that. And who could argue with it? Walt Disney dreamed bigger than most, and accomplished more. Sometimes we look at these super successful people with envy, but often, they’re just like you and...

A Successful Travel Writer Must Keep On Showing Up

My sisters and I were sitting on the edge of the town pool, after a swim meet. It usually played like this: my younger sister would hold up a first-place ribbon. She was a fish in water and almost always won, anytime she entered a race. The grin on her face was...

The key to success as a travel writer or photographer

Do you ever wonder why some people are more successful than others? What is it that allows them to overcome obstacles, to persevere and to succeed? Some say the key to success is persistence. Others say it’s influence or confidence. But I believe it’s a combination of...

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