Where To Sell Your Local Travel Stories

The place you call home may be a treasure trove of publication opportunities. When I attended the 2014 Ultimate Writer’s Workshop in San Diego, presenters emphasized the importance about “starting local.” I took that advice to heart. How and where to find local...

Write For In-Flight Magazines

Any industry has its prestige places to work or things to achieve–things that everyone in the industry aims for and when added to your resume make a real difference to future job offers. Travel writing is no different. For travel writers, the prestige place to have...

The Life Of The Freelance Travel Writer

A heron sits motionless at the edge of the canal, seemingly unperturbed by the hundreds of bicycles zooming past just a few feet away. The sun is bright, but the air is comfortably cool, and the smell of a sweet batter cooking – perhaps for stroopwafel or appeltaart –...

Four Advantages Of The Travel Writer’s Life

Just last week, a survey by Skift revealed that 41% of Americans failed to take any vacation days in 2015. And, 17% of us only took half our vacation days or less. How crazy is that? Why are Americans so afraid of taking their vacation time? The main reasons given by...

How To Get Accepted On Press Trips

For travel writers, getting invited on a press trip is like making it to the Super Bowl. It’s the culmination of strategy, tactics, and hard work. If you’re a beginner, it might seem like an impossible goal, but it’s not rocket science. If you follow the game plan...

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