Become A Travel Writer: Sell 40+ Stories In Your First Year

Become A Travel Writer: Sell 40+ Stories In Your First Year

Noreen Kompanik came to our Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop as the guest of a friend. Before then, she didn’t know what travel writing was or how to become a travel writer. In the next 12 months, Noreen sold 45 travel stories… and is looking forward to many more...

How To Write A Press Kit

From free meals, fun-filled activities, and complimentary hotel rooms… to all-expenses-paid press trips. These are the perks that entice travel lovers to become travel writers.  In 2015, I enjoyed delicious five-course meals in Spain, swam next to 40-foot whale sharks...

How To Get On All-Expenses-Paid Press Trips

It’s that gold ring that aspiring travel writers strive for and established travel writers continue to grab: the press trip. All expenses paid, complimentary multi-course meals, invitations to wine tastings, free nights in resorts in exotic locations, tickets to...

Unique Travel Experiences For 2016

Unique Travel Experiences For 2016

Oh what a year! Happy New Year to you and your family! Wherever you find yourself today… I hope that you’re staying warm, having fun, and surrounded by friends or family. From all of us at Great Escape Publishing to you… thank you for reading, writing in, sharing your...

1,000 Marbles Story: Change Your Saturdays From Now On

It’s the first day of a new year and the last thing I want to talk to you about today is productivity, goal setting, and resolutions. So instead, let’s talk about Saturdays. We have one coming up tomorrow. And barring anything tragic, we have one coming up every week...

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