The Key To Travel Writing Success

When I was a little girl my biggest dream was to fly. Not in an airplane. I mean really fly -- like a bird. I would try jumping off my bed or fearfully off a roof, flapping my arms furiously in the air, certain that one time it was going to happen. Of course, it never...

The Golden Circle: Key To Success In Anything

When you look at some of the most successful people of our time – Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, Madonna… they all have one thing in common. And it’s the very same thing that our most successful members here at GEP have. In fact,...

Travel Writer Dilemma: Who Needs Travel Insurance?

Travel Writer Dilemma: Who Needs Travel Insurance?

Should a travel writer invest in travel and evacuation insurance? I’m probably one of the best travel writers to weigh in on this issue of who needs travel insurance. On May 15, 2014, while traveling in Cape Town, South Africa, our car was T-boned by another vehicle...

How To Write The Best Travel Story Of Your Trip

How To Write The Best Travel Story Of Your Trip

She stood statue-still, waiting, her creased face emotionless as bees swarmed around her body. I felt drawn to her, as if she was the reason I was there. Bonnie here, again, coming to you with one last tale of adventure from our Travel Writing Expedition in India....

Travel Writing with a Side of Chocolate

They say the average person eats 10,354 chocolate bars in a lifetime. I’m certainly doing my share. Only thing is – I get paid for it because I’m a travel writer. One of the cool things about being a travel writer is that it often leads you down unexpected paths. In...

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