Sell More Photos: Photograph People When You Shoot

Sell More Photos: Photograph People When You Shoot

In Swahili, it’s Jambo. In Thailand, I’d say Sawasdee Ka because I’m a woman (Sawasdee Krab if I were a man). And in Vietnam, it’s Xin chào. These simple words open doors around the world and can instantly transform your photos. They all mean hello, and a nice “hello”...

Want Better Photos? Try This Easy Technique

Want Better Photos? Try This Easy Technique

For the next few weeks we’re going to look at simple things you can do to improve your photos, while also hopefully sparking some creativity in the process. Photography is a constant journey of learning, practicing and improving, and no matter how long you’ve been...

Get More From Your Travels: Sell Your Photos And Stories

“We are not tourists. We are a family of travelers.” This is what our Vietnam guide said about us on a recent photo expedition.  And it's one of the things I like most about this Great Escape community. Rachel, who I met this past week at our workshop in New Orleans,...

Follow Along: See What Stock Photo Buyers See

Last week, I gave you a couple of simple strategies to keep on top of what’s selling in the stock photo world. If you missed that issue, you can read it here. Now, let’s look at how to see what’s selling specifically on the stock sites where you submit (or plan to...

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