Zap Noise In Lightroom

Zap Noise In Lightroom

Noise can ruin an otherwise potentially awesome stock photo. We talked about avoiding noise a few weeks ago here. Fortunately, noise reduction is an area where Lightroom truly shines. Here’s an example of a noisy photo taken with a high ISO: You probably won’t notice...

Your Stock Photography Summer Success Plan

This year in the Breakfast Stock Club, I’ve heard from members who... Made their first photo sales...  Blew past their 100,000th sale... Surpassed their first $10,000 in stock photography royalties...  Grew beyond stock to get published on magazine covers...  Landed...

Selling Stock Photos Is Fun, Rewarding, And Lucrative

This is it... the last time I’m going to virtually “poke” you this week, urging you to take action. Selling stock photos is fun, it’s approachable for even the very beginner, and it can be very lucrative. For example, just last week, fellow reader Deborah Kolb sold a...

Get Started Making An Income With Photography

Get Started Making An Income With Photography

Our most successful members often say that they take their camera everywhere they go. It’s a good idea. After all, sometimes it’s the quick, spur-of-the moment photo that ends up selling.  So your challenge for the rest of this week is to take your camera with you...

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