Sell Photos: No Experience Or Fancy Equipment Required

Sell Photos: No Experience Or Fancy Equipment Required

Right now, your fellow readers of this newsletter are literally making money from their photos every day.  Every day! Some sell photos online in stock photo agencies... some as fine art prints... others sell to magazines, websites, and publications... and still others...

Why You Need To Get Started With Photography Today

Why You Need To Get Started With Photography Today

It’s Day Two of your Week of Motivation, so here’s today’s little kick in the butt... I want you to look at your calendar for the week. Right now.  If it’s in the other room or you need to pull it up on your computer, go ahead. (I’ll wait). Got it? Now pick a day...

Peru Day 4: How To Blur Your Photo Background

Peru Day 4: How To Blur Your Photo Background

On day four of our Photography Expedition here in Peru’s Sacred Valley, our instructor, Efrain Padro, answered the one burning question we all had… “How do I make the background of my photo blurry?” His answer?  Count sheep. Efrain’s tip for counting sheep is one that...

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