Peru Day 3: Focus On Taking Simple Photos You Can Sell

Peru Day 3: Focus On Taking Simple Photos You Can Sell

If I only remember one piece of advice from my time in Peru, it’s this: Photography is like a run-on sentence; you have to put a period somewhere in order for it to make sense. Alyssa here, coming to you again from our Peru Photo Expedition, where our instructor,...

Tips for selling your photos

A few months back, we talked about why certain photos just don’t sell as stock. You can read that issue here. I bet if you look through your photos right now you have many that could potentially sell as stock. But the trick is knowing which ones to submit to stock...

Time To Take Action And Sell Your Photos

Time To Take Action And Sell Your Photos

If you like to travel and would like to sell your photos, I generally steer you toward these three markets… 1. Stock 2. Fine art 3. Editorial (magazines/newspapers/websites) Many of our pros will say: start with stock.  It encourages you to shoot more and improve your...

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