

Here’s today’s video lesson:


** In general, to avoid noise, use the lowest ISO possible for your camera (50-200)

** In dimly-lit places like museums, theaters, and concerts, if your images are blurring and you’re not getting enough light, try using a higher ISO like 400, 800, and 1600.  Some cameras may even go as far as 6400.

** More expensive cameras do better at higher ISOs.  Cheaper cameras and point-and-shoots typically introduce noise at ISOs higher than even the lowest available setting.

** Get the shot no matter what it takes.  If you have to raise your ISO to get the shot but you’re worried about how it will affect the saleability of your photo, take the shot anyway.  A good photo that isn’t saleable is better than a blurry photo that is neither saleable nor good.

** Ninety percent of the time, you’ll want your camera to make these decisions for you.  Put your camera in Program Mode with the flash off and your ISO set to Auto.  If you don’t have an Auto ISO feature or you prefer to keep your ISO at the lowest setting to ensure you don’t get any noise in your photo, remember that you might want to increase your setting in dimly-lit places.  A birthday party photo shot at ISO 800 with noise, but without the harsh white light of the flash and without the blur from hand-holding, is still a birthday party photo you can be proud of.


Have you ever thought about becoming a professional photographer? Leaving your cubicle behind and traveling the world with your camera in hand? It’s possible. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never taken a photograph before; because great photographers are made not born.

We’ve helped people from all walks of life achieve their dream.  Doctors, lawyers, stay-at-home moms, airline pilots and teachers.  And we can help you.


In May, we hosted a Photography Expedition in Seville, Spain with travel photographer Efrain Padro. He wrote a great article about how to photograph in low light when you don’t have a tripod. With three shots, he shows what difference changing the ISO setting on your camera can make. Check out his photos and read what he has to say on ISO.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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