I’m getting really excited about this beginner’s workshop in D.C. I told you last week that your shutter speed is used to stop action. Today, Bonnie and I took a soda bottle outside for an article we’re writing in next week’s eletter and look what we got… See if you can answer the following questions about these photos: 1. Do you think they were taken with a fast or slow shutter speed? 2. On your camera, what would this shutter speed look like?  If I told you we took it at one two-hundred-and-fiftieth of a second, would it look like this: 250 or this 250”? You don’t have to have all the details about how your camera works memorized just yet.  But let’s not forget what encouraged you to sign up for this free eletter series in the first place – you want to take better pictures so you can pay for your vacations, enjoy life, love what you wake up to do everyday, and possibly quit your day job to retire on a beach somewhere. This workshop in D.C. will put you that much closer to your goal of doing that if you give it a try. And don’t forget, whatever you spend on this workshop, you’re also going to get back. We’re letting everyone take what they pay for this event, off the cost of our big selling-your-photos event in the Spring. So essentially, you’ll get two event seats for the price of one. And also don’t forget – these events are risk-free.  If you come the first day and decide it’s not right for you, we’ll refund your money and you can spend the rest of your weekend hanging out in D.C. What have you got to lose? And more importantly – think of all that you have to gain. We talk in our newsletter all the time about the benefits of learning photography and using your photographs to earn an extra $50-$500 per sale. But there’s also all the extra “bennies” that come with improving your photography skills and learning how to sell your photos to the markets we talk most about, too. Benefits like all-expenses-paid trips like the ones some of your fellow readers have been on in exchange for article/photo packages (ie, a travel article paired with photographs)… and your pictures on the cover of a magazine when you sell them to editors or online stock photo agencies where editors sometimes shop. One thing’s for sure – you’ll never find a more fun way to make money. At the very least, your friends and family will be jealous of your new-found photo talent. Give our Photo Basics Workshop in D.C. a try and I promise – you’ll not only be blown away with how fun photography can be, but you’ll be amazed at how much you can learn and retain in such a short amount of time. I said earlier – and we know from our shutter speed lesson last week – that shutter speed is used to blur and stop action.  In the soda pictures above, we used a fast shutter speed to stop the flow of soda.  But in this globe picture below, we used it to blur action when we spun the globe… Photography has got to be THE most fun way to make money.  Join us in D.C. and we’ll take you to that next level. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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