In the 1970’s, NASA was looking for a powerful super-food to go into space. Something that has carbs and also protein. Something that is easy to prepare and also delicious.

They found their super-food in the poor Peruvian farmer’s meal: Quinoa.

It’s Day Two of our photography expedition here in Peru, and we’re exploring ancient Incan ruins, meeting local people in village markets, and improving our photos by making like NASA – turning good food (I mean subjects) into GREAT!

You can always take a photo and call it good… but when it comes to creating travel photos that sell, you want to do better than good. You want to aim for the best..

Peru… Machu Picchu… colorful Andean villages… we’re getting a lot of these images here. But some of our participants are brand new to photography. A few, in fact, just bought their first camera before they got here.

Am I frustrated that they’re new and they don’t yet know how to work their equipment? No way!!

It’s ok if you’re new. We all have to start somewhere. And lucky for you, there are markets out there for less-than-perfect shots while you’re working your way up to pro.

Here’s the tip I left them with today…

TIP: Find your quinoa. (A.K.A. Work the Shot)

Take a look at this photo series I took in the ruins above the village of Pisac:
work the shot

1505 Peru Dispatch #2 - 2

1505 Peru Dispatch #2 - 3

I’m so glad I didn’t stop at that first shot… the last one is definitely the best. It’s my “quinoa” shot of the day.

This works for action shots of people, too. I took a bunch of the Sunday procession in the Pisac market:

1505 Peru Dispatch #2 - 4

1505 Peru Dispatch #2 - 5

1505 Peru Dispatch #2 - 7

1505 Peru Dispatch #2 - 6

As you can see, I definitely got a few duds before I took some that I liked.

The next time you’re out taking photos, slow down and take more than just one of the same subject. Try different angles and viewpoints. Even simply turn the camera from horizontal to vertical to see what happens.

Tune in tomorrow for some advice on tripling your income with photos that have this one special quality that’s super-easy to achieve… and makes them instantly look professional.

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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