How exactly do you start a bed sheet/game-of-love board company?  Let me tell ya…

My husband Eric and I got married young, like 19ish…

Young as we were, we didn’t have a lot of money. So when our anniversary came around, I figured I’d make something by hand instead of buying something.

I can’t exactly remember how the idea came to me, but I pulled out some sharpie markers and decided to turn our bed sheets into a game board we could use to celebrate. 

He loved it, and the very first Game of Love was born.  

Fast forward a bunch of years and in 2013 I shared my Game of Love idea on East Coast ‘s blog and it went viral!   Couples around the world started emailing me their personal game of love stories, stories of epic surprises, reconnecting after beating cancer, cold marriages being rekindled, and so much more. It made me realize that I could do better than sharpies on an old sheet… and impact so many more relationships!

So I did.  I used the megasites Lori is talking about to find a manufacturer and I sent them my plans.  I also use them for extras like body paint, body tattoos, bags, markers, and more.

Here’s what one of the sets looks like…

easy home business

People buy these for newly-married couples, anniversaries, bachelorette parties, and more.

And even though they’re fairly cheap in price (just $49 for a queen set), I sell hundreds a month.

This month alone, for example, I’ve made 258 sales from my easy home business — bringing in $18,902.

My profit is pretty good, too, since I’m getting all the materials on the cheap.  I net about $25 on each set.

If you know someone getting married or celebrating an anniversary soon and they’d like my sheets, please spread the word. My next step is to build a Shipwire store or put these on Amazon like Jeff is doing.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever idea you have that you’d like to bring to life via import/export.

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