This year in the Breakfast Stock Club, I’ve heard from members who…

  • Made their first photo sales… 
  • Blew past their 100,000th sale…
  • Surpassed their first $10,000 in stock photography royalties… 
  • Grew beyond stock to get published on magazine covers… 
  • Landed all-expenses-paid trips…

And are generally enjoying doing what they love and making an income from it!

You know that success with stock photography is possible. So now you have a choice:

A. Make excuses and put it off for years, or…
B. Make it happen now.

This July, and August, and September, I’m going to bring back the BIG summer push that helped so many get going last year. YES – it’s time for “Summer Sprints!”

Here’s how it works:

Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprints

1. At the beginning of the month, I’ll send out a theme. Breakfast Stock Club Premium members will have the Roadmap that goes with the theme, so they can see how, exactly, to take stock-worthy photos for the theme, as well as keyword them so buyers can find them.

2. You’ll set out to take 100 photos of the theme in one week. At the end of the week, every BSC Premium member will get a review of their one best shot of the week.

3. Then you’ll set out to take 100 more photos of that theme by the end of the 3rd week. Premium members will get a second review of their one best shot from the second and third weeks.

4. In the fourth week, you’ll focus on uploading the best shots from the month to your stock photography agencies.

5. At the beginning of the next month, it starts over again and continues until we’ve packed our portfolios with saleable photos.

I’ll keep up with you via the Breakfast Stock Club newsletter and the Facebook page, to help you stay on track.

We’ll do this for three months in a row, with the goal to get at least 30 new photos in our stock photography portfolios by the time autumn hits. Autumn is typically the biggest season for stock photo sales, so this will help us beef up our portfolios by the time the buyers come around.

Your Summer Sprints have begun! Become a Premium Member to get in on our latest Challenge.
July’s Theme: Have Camera, Will Travel

Editor’s Note: Learn more about getting started selling your photos online in stock agencies – no matter how much or little photography experience you have – in the Breakfast Stock Club e-newsletter. It’s once a week, and it’s free to join, here.

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