It’s the last day of our travel writing workshop in New Orleans, and today was one of my favorite days.

A mix of folks from previous events came back to share their travel writing success stories. Each took a slightly different path with their writing. But they all have one thing in common: each of them overcame their own personal obstacles to make the leap into travel writing. 

Connie Pearson was a pianist for most of her life – performing, playing in church, and teaching. Using the step-by-step instruction she learned at the workshop, she’s now had 56 published articles.

“It’s possible to reinvent yourself after you’re on Medicare,” she told the audience. 

Four years ago, Kurt Jacobson was a chef and food blogger. He had no idea how to write and just posted photos with recipes on his blog. After attending this workshop last year, however, his first article was accepted by Alaska Magazine, and he’s sold 40 more since.  

“20% of the people will get 80% of the results,” Kurt said. “Why not be one of those 20%?”

Jed Vaughn got laid off from his sales manager job in the northwest. He signed up for this workshop in 2014 and it’s been full steam ahead ever since. He’s most proud of the article published in Lighthouse Digest because it’s distributed to 17 countries. All of his travel stories have been published in print magazines so far.

“Network, talk to people, and take action,” said Jeb. “Put the knowledge you gained here to work right away.” 

Mary Charlebois retired early from the technology field with a golden parachute… then later lost all of her money and suffered an extreme neck injury. Not sure what to do next, she took a chance and attended this event in 2015. She just told the room:

“30 minutes in and I knew I was in the right place.” 

Just one year later, with more than 70 published stories about her local area and a new lease of life, it’s obvious she was right!

I hope you draw inspiration from these past attendees… all who stood where you are now. Here’s to your own travel writing success…

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To TravelA Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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