Congratulations! We’re setting up your access to The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program right now.

As you begin your journey into the world of travel writing, here’s something more for you to consider…

Being a travel writer is one of the most rewarding choices you can make.

While others stay stuck in a 9-to-5 grind or spend their days at home, wishing they could see more of the world, you get to design a rich existence of fun, adventure, and meaningful experiences around the world.

Imagine …

  • Walking into an adorable Italian bistro overlooking the sunset on the Amalfi coast and being catered to as the special guest of the chef all night long…
  • Escaping the hustle and bustle of the world with a rural retreat to the mountains of New Mexico, where you’re treated to a luxurious weekend of detoxifying mud baths, soothing massages, and decadent facials from world-class spa experts…
  • Listening to the muted bustle of Buenos Aires late at night, more than 20 stories down the wrap-around balcony of your private penthouse suite …
  • Connecting with fellow travelers in the dining car on your cross-continental train while some of Eastern Europe’s most iconic mountain ranges fly by…

Travel writers rarely pay for their adventures.

They’re stars in their own show, invited to indulge in the best the world has to offer … begged by editors for fresh stories … and paid sweetly for having the time of their lives.

Their words and pictures fuel the entire travel and tourism industry.

And there’s a specific structure to what they do and how they do it that guarantees their ongoing success.

It’s Not Difficult …

The good news is, what they do is not difficult!

There’s a system to it …

A “plan” you can learn and replicate, article after article and trip after trip.

Lori Allen here again.

If you’re willing, I’d like to offer you an extra shortcut to the top of that system.

One that will help you transform your life even faster… and one that you won’t see available anywhere else…

Not everyone learns best through an online course. If you learn by “doing,” instead of reading, then you should know that there’s another way to get to the top and that’s by working under the wing of a pro, apprentice-style.

Kyle Wagner has been a writer and an editor for almost thirty years, and a successful freelancer for the last two.

For nearly a decade, she served as the Travel and Outwest Editor at the Denver Post. Before that, she dished out her opinions on dining in Denver, first for Westword and then the Post.

Prior to moving to Denver, she was a bureau chief and part-time restaurant critic for the Naples Daily News in Florida.

When she worked for the Post, interns would frequently come in with no writing experience at all and after their first week, have a small by-line in the paper.

From there she’d help them work up to two or three by-lines a week, and by the time they were done, they’d have a sizeable portfolio to show around.

And she’s ready and willing to do the same for you…

You’ll work alongside Kyle on your first byline, then your second, then your third, and your fourth. And you’ll do it all from home with stories about places near where you live.

She’ll guide you through everything you should do first, second and third by way of weekly emails and videos she’s created to show you the process she follows at home when she’s working on travel stories.

And when you’re ready, you can send her the article you created and she, or one of our other experts, will read it and send you their advice.

An Apprentice-Style Learning Experience You Can Start Right Now …

We’ve hosted this apprentice-style “internship” before, and it works.

Our members say it’s one of the fastest ways to learn and they appreciate the extra hand-holding.

If you want to enjoy the best “job” in the world… and you can’t wait for the freedom to travel… to live wherever you like… to work the hours you prefer… to gain VIP access and special treatment wherever you go… as a travel writer…

Then it’s worth it to go whole hog and join Kyle’s exclusive Travel Writing “Internship Program”.

Unlike a real internship, you don’t need to travel for this one. You’ll follow along online (at home) as Kyle walks you through her travel writing process –the same process she used to train interns at the Denver Post when she was the Travel Editor there.

Within just six weeks, you’ll have several publishable pieces you can use to send to editors.

We guarantee it—or your money back.

You don’t need to commit an entire summer or an entire year to the process.

It all starts with your decision right now…

My inbox is full of stories from people who have little or no formal writing training and yet are using the step-by-step instructions in this program to travel the world.

Here’s what some of the folks who have interned with Kyle just recently have to say:

“AAA-rated! I LOVED it and KNOW I will be publishing in the near future. As a retired teacher, I was thrilled with the clarity and steps to publication that Kyle gave us.” – Ginny Keysar

“I highly recommend the program. It was well worth the time and money I put into it. It’s the easiest way to learn some tips to getting your writing career off the ground, especially if you are ‘stuck.’” – Christy Darling

“I sent [my article] off to Texas Monthly, Travel Post Monthly, Texas Escapes, Texas Lifestyle Magazine, and Texas Hill Country Magazine. In less than a day, Texas Lifestyles Magazine said yes for their online edition. A by-line I can link to! I’m ecstatic with the results of what I put out by following what the course led me to do.

“In less than 24 hours, a YES. That is such a WOW.” – Dawn Engler

“The internship provided templates and an easy to follow sequence of steps. During the course I had three paying editors accept articles. The key was to query publications that aren’t exclusively travel ones and tighten up my queries, all advice from the internship.” – Ann Randall

If you’d like to have one of these opportunities, too…

If you learn best by “doing”…

This program is for you. You won’t be alone trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. You’ll be working under Kyle’s wing.

And that’s not all…

Real Feedback on Your Story… Straight from our Experts

When you enroll in Kyle’s “Internship program” today, you’ll not only get access to an easy-to-follow system for creating saleable travel articles again and again… but you’ll also get individual feedback on the story you’ll write during the internship, straight from our team of editors and travel writing experts.

Ready to send your completed article to an editor, but still wondering if your story is good enough? Submit it to our experts for review first—so you’ll know you’re on the right track before you hit the “send” button.

Our editors are standing by to help you ensure that what you’re submitting to publications is as strong as it can be… and put the odds of success in your favor!

This is an incredible opportunity to have your hand held all the way by a leading travel writer AND editor, with a proven track record for turning “newbies” into published writers.

With Kyle by your side you’ll be up and running before next month is out with a publishable travel article in hand… on your way to traveling the world, writing about your adventures… and getting paid to do it…

This is hands-down the fastest possible way to get started!

And it gets better…

“Before this opportunity came along, I lacked confidence in what I was doing and was not able to convince myself whole heartedly that I could really do this.

“But, I submitted my story, and am excited to say I received an email from an editor saying he wants to publish my story. He has asked me to send 4-7 photos, which I just did 5 minutes ago!

“I am so glad I decided to do this and am very excited about all the possibilities in the future. This has certainly been the kick start I needed – thank you!!” – “Internship Program” participant, Laura Bannon

Kyle’s “Internship Program” will give you everything you need to move forward at lightning-speed toward pocketing a new part-time or full-time income as a travel writer.

Let Everyone Else Pay More… Today, You Can Work with Kyle for Less

The price of the “Internship program” is regularly $499.

But because you just purchased The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program (which Kyle will reference throughout the “Internship Program”), you can take advantage of your most recent purchase and apply it towards the Internship Program…and then some.

Enroll Right Here and Save $300

It’s a small price to pay to have an editor in your back pocket.

And she’s not Wonder Woman so we can’t keep this up forever. It’ll come down as soon as her schedule fills.

Yes! Connect Me With Kyle Now!</h2 >


Without any of the risk — because we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee — you can put yourself on the fast track to one of the most life-fulfilling careers available anywhere.

Make the most of this opportunity to partner with Kyle, and act now.

This offer to save $300 on her “Internship Program” is exclusively for you because you’ve just signed up to receive The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program.

I can’t wait to hear that you’ve decided to partner with Kyle to accelerate your travel writing career…

I’ll be thrilled to celebrate your first successes with you when you become a published and well-paid travel writer in the next few weeks!

To your successful travel writing future,

Lori Allen

Director, Great Escape Publishing

P.S. Remember, you’re only seeing this exclusive “Internship Program” offer because you just purchased The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program, and I want to reward you for taking that brave first step toward a new, fun-filled life.

Plus, how amazing would it be to experience your first success sooner rather than later?

It happened for Linda Blair, who recently had her article about 48 hours in Beijing published in the Vancouver Sun

“I was so excited when I opened the newspaper and saw a whole page with my story and photos in it. Thank you Kyle for giving me the boost I needed to believe enough in myself to give this a try.”

This could be you… and soon.

Yes! Connect Me With Kyle Now!

No thanks. I prefer to work by myself rather than partnering with Kyle and getting on the fast-track to travel writing success.

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