Yesterday, a pop quiz from professional photographer Efrain Padro tested your magazine-photo savvy. Could you tell which of his three photos landed on the cover of a magazine? If you missed it, you can take the quiz here. One of Efrain’s photos was published on the cover of New Mexico Journey, the state’s AAA magazine. New Mexico Journey currently accepts both travel articles and photos from freelancers. Read on for more details… — Lori Lori Allen Director, Great Escape Publishing February 6, 2010 **************** Featured Publication: New Mexico Journey Website: **************** NEW MEXICO JOURNEY By Alice Derry in Arlington, VA New Mexico Journey is the state’s AAA magazine, but don’t be fooled. New Mexico Journey isn’t just a resource to AAA members in terms of automobile safety and maintenance. Filled with colorful photos and spirited travel articles, this publication also profiles New Mexican culture, food, travel and news. As the member magazine for AAA New Mexico, New Mexico Journey prides itself on giving readers new and interesting ways to enjoy and celebrate their state and the world. Here’s what the magazine is looking for, in its own words: “Editors are looking for a compelling reason to assign an article: a specific angle, news that makes the subject fresh, a writer’s enthusiasm for and familiarity with the topic. Queries should present a clear, original, and provocative thesis, not just a topic or idea, and should reflect familiarity with the magazine’s content and tone. Submissions should answer two questions: Why now, and why in New Mexico Journey?” Like most publications, New Mexico Journey strongly encourages you to take a look at past issues of the magazine in order to get a feel for its style before you query. If you aren’t an AAA member, you can send an email request to, and they will send you a few back issues. While you’re at it, be sure to ask for the writer’s and/or photographer’s guidelines, too. Once you’ve done your research, you can submit a query by snail mail or send it via e-mail to As always, be sure to read through all of the guidelines carefully before you query. It’s not clear exactly how much New Mexico Journey pays for articles and photos, but the guidelines suggest that compensation is competitive. When you’re just starting out in travel writing and photography, smaller, regional magazines like AAA New Mexico Journey are more likely to publish your work than larger, national glossies. And you can submit your stories or photos here whether you’re a New Mexico native or you just enjoy traveling out West. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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