Yesterday I told you about three readers who are getting paid to have their photos published in International Living Magazine. I asked each of them to share the photos that got picked, what it felt like to get published, and why they chose the photos they did. Read on to see what they said: ** From Caroline Maryan: “At the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Santa Monica, this past August, I set a goal of taking advantage of any opportunity that would come along to get either my photos or my writing into print. I must admit that setting that goal has really helped. When I heard that IL was looking for photos and text from someone living abroad, I jumped, even though I was in the middle of a cruise across the Bering Sea. “I posted eight photos on my website, in a locked gallery, for the editor to see. Happily, he chose my favorite photo. “It was a thrill to have it chosen. After it was selected, I sent along a brief article to accompany it. “While this was not my first photo to be published in a magazine (I had two photos published on magazine covers this fall), it was the first one that I was paid for. — $50 for the print version, and another $50 to have it published in the magazine’s e-newsletter — and that made it really special. $100 for something I’m glad to do for free. “This has really started me thinking of more ways to get published. I carry my camera and business cards with me everywhere, and, if the opportunity presents itself, I’m ready!” ** From Kim Wilson: “I sent at least five images to the editor, and this was the one chosen: “I particularly like this one because it offers a wonderful perspective of historical Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The three churches form a triangle and perfectly illustrate the age and diversity of the city with the use of three distinct styles of architecture. Moreover, each church is on a different “level,” which provides depth and dimension to the photograph, too. “Several of us that attended AWAI’s expedition in Ecuador went to this rooftop restaurant. I love to get some height when shooting cityscapes, and the minute I got up there I wanted to take photos. The view was magnificent and provided a complete 360-degree view of this area in Quito. “I’ve been a published writer for a variety of consumer electronics publications since 1992, so I’m accustomed to seeing my byline. However, to see my images published has more emotion and a sense of accomplishment attached to it. I suspect I’ll always have a warm and fuzzy feeling about getting my images published, as my photography is a better representation of my creative self. “This is my first published image, as far as I know. I’ve been selling stock images for a short while, but I’m not sure how they’ve been used. I’m sure at some point I will see one of those in print, as well.” ** From Sarita Simmons: “It was so exciting to hear that one of my photos from the AWAI Photo Expedition in China would be used in the October issue of International Living magazine and also in the International Living e-letter. It was such a fun day… and now to get paid for it months later… YAY!  It’s the first time I’ve submitted a photo to a magazine and now I’m all jazzed and eager to start submitting everywhere! “I narrowed it down to three photos to submit and also mentioned to the editor that I had a link where he could view more of my photos of China at his leisure. The reason I chose the close-up of the tea ceremony is because I felt that it fit the criteria of good composition, interesting subject matter, and it shows the reader a story. You can see it here: “When I look at this photo now, what I remember is how much fun we had that day in Shanghai, sampling great teas… plus the opportunity to relax and take creative photos at our leisure. “Honestly, I was having such a great time the day I took this photo… it certainly didn’t feel like work. That’s why I absolutely love going on the trips with the travel photography division of AWAI.  I’ll be paid $50 for the photo that will be in the International Living print issue and then another $50 for the same photo to be published in the IL e-letter. I don’t know of any other way you can travel with a group of like-minded people, explore a new country, have all your senses and creativity stimulated, and later get paid for it! “Now that I have a clip showing that I’ve had a photo published in an International Living magazine, I’m already thinking of where else to submit my photos. Newspapers, travel magazines, and online travel e-zines look out… I have you in my sights!” Congratulations, ladies! — Lori Lori Allen Director, Great Escape Publishing [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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