If your goal is to find a way you can upgrade to an income that’s six-figures or higher (so you can tell your boss to take your job and shove it), then you should hear Michael Stoff’s story.

Michael started his business in 1986 selling Tune-Tote, a stereo system for bicycles. And, in his first year alone, he made a million dollars.

With no prior experience in import/export, he researched… he hired consultants… he attended international trade shows.  He combed through World Traders Data Reports to get background information on potential foreign buyers.  And he invested in methods that enabled him to communicate with foreign buyers in different languages.

Today, not much, if any, of this is necessary. In other words, you have it a lot easier than Michael…to make a few thousand…a few hundred thousand…even a million or more — depending on how much time you want to give it.

When I first read about the network detailed in our Importing Fortunes program, I gave it a try.  I logged on to the website.  I found a few manufacturers in China who created Android tablets as close in appearance to my iPad as I could get.  And I had them send me a few samples.

Within 7-10 days, I had three samples to test.  All were good quality.  And all were one-third of the price I found them on eBay.  My next step is to simply put them up for sale.  I know I can create a page on eBay and sell them there.  I also know I can sell them on Amazon or even Craigslist.  None of these sites charge a fee until I make a sale, so my upfront marketing cost is nil.

Here’s what else I’ve ordered through the network profiled in our Importing Fortunes program…

  • Mp3 players
  • American flags
  • Props for photo shoots
  • A travel device that helps women pee standing up (this one is strange but we’ve written about it before for women traveling in countries without Western toilets).  The retail price online is $10.  I paid $0.25 each.

And if you’d like to give this a try yourself, here are a few you might consider importing and selling for a profit online as we enter the BIGGEST shopping season of the year – Black Friday through New Year’s Day…

  • For photographers – coffee mugs that look like camera lenses.  These retail online for $30-$40 but sell in the network for under $6.
  • For travelers and stock photographers – camera lenses for your iPhone.  These retail online for $49 but sell in the network for $14.39.
  • For writers – a single cup coffee maker.  These retail online for $119-$249 but sell in the network for $3-5.

Just 10 years ago, you would have needed all the resources Michael used to create a successful import/export business.  Today, it can all be done online…from the comfort of your home or wherever you wish to travel.  And with sites like eBay, Amazon, Etsy, and Craigslist offering a means to advertise your product without any upfront advertising expense, your risk is next to nothing.

The upfront cash you need is only the amount it takes to buy your first product.  And like I said, I’ve already imported a half-dozen products myself under $50.

I don’t speak Chinese, Vietnamese, or Thai.  (Note: China isn’t the only country using the network profiled in Importing Fortunes.  You can import Turkish scarves, Indian jewelry, Latin American weaving, and Egyptian cotton… all without speaking their native language).

Technology has come a long way and the time to get into this opportunity is NOW!!  Not only are we about to enter the biggest shopping season of the year.  But who knows how long this opportunity will remain a secret.

Get a post-it note and write this down: Take Your Job and Shove It!  Then stick that note to your computer.  Every time you sit down to answer e-mails, post a message on Facebook, look through your pictures or write in your digital journal, remember that you could be making a fortune online using little more than the skills it takes to buy a book online and e-mail a friend.

More details, including stories of other people who earned six- or seven-figures in their first year of import/export, are here.

I hope you’ll give it a try.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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