My sister used to work in government and whenever she went to work functions where she was meeting senators and important people, she’d use an apple to clean her teeth.

Inevitably, they’d serve red wine, her teeth would get stained, and she’d be caught without a toothbrush. So she’d grab an apple from the fruit basket in her hotel or at the restaurant and after a few bites her teeth would be pearly white again.

I was skeptical at first so I did some research. Turns out that she was right! Dentists recommend apples, celery, and carrots when you’re caught without your toothbrush. Each of these foods has cleaning properties that can refresh your teeth after a meal.

Enjoy your red wine this holiday!

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


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