“If you can dream it, you can do it.” 

It was Walt Disney who first said that. And who could argue with it? Walt Disney dreamed bigger than most, and accomplished more.

Sometimes we look at these super successful people with envy, but often, they’re just like you and me.  Disney was once fired from a job at a newspaper for “lack of ideas.”  And later, when he was trying to get funding for Disneyland he was turned down by more than 100 banks.

He’s not alone, of course.  At age 17 Wayne Gretzky was told he was too small and too slow to ever make it in the NHL. Today he’s arguably the best hockey player of all time. 

I find it very fascinating when someone is told “NO” again and again. But then they keep on believing, keep on trying. 

To achieve success at anything in life, it comes back to that special combination of persistence, confidence, and influence we’ve been talking about this week. No matter how confident you are in your ability, how many times you have been told NO, or how sure you are of yourself, today people take less than seven seconds to judge you and determine whether or not they believe what you say or whether you’re worth what you say you’re worth.

You can sign up for Vanessa’s program on human behavior and how to position yourself on the right side of the pay spectrum, here.

She is the founder of the Science of People, a research group dedicated to behavioral investigation and author of four published books, as well as a Huffington Post columnist. She’s done so much for me and she can do the same for you, here.

Despite her crazy schedule, she created this program just for us.  To help you earn higher fees for your writing and photography… build better relationships… and get what you want most out of life.

I took her program a year or so ago and loved it!  It was the best decision I’ve made and it’s paid off for me ten-fold.  It can do the same for you, and you can learn more, here.

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Profit From Your Photos: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

Complete Confidence, Part 1: The key to success as a travel writer or photographer

Complete Confidence, Part 2: Gain Confidence To Boost Your Success

Complete Confidence, Part 3: A Successful Travel Writer Must Keep On Showing Up

Complete Confidence, Part 4: How To Gain Confidence As A Solo Traveler

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