An Interview with AWAI Member, Patrick Longfield

BONNIE: Patrick how did you get into travel writing and photography?

PATRICK: I live in Europe and I like to travel. I thought it would be really great to share some of my travel adventures with folks who are interested in reading about foreign places.

Up until very recently, I had no formal training in writing and photography. In May, I completed AWAI’s photography program, “Turn Your Pictures into Cash.”  That month, I also attended the Paris Photo Expedition. The program really helped me with understanding the technical aspect of photography and the expedition taught me how to take really great pictures. When I compare photos I took before the expedition to ones taken at the end, I notice a big difference in quality of focus, composition, and exposure.

Then, in June, I completed AWAI’s “Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program,” too. Wow, did this program really help transform me into a better writer. Going through one of the homework assignments, I felt so comfortable writing that I expanded the exercise into my first published article.

BONNIE: That article was published in Stars and Stripes — how did you pitch it to that publication?

PATRICK: Pitching my article idea was easy! I contacted the travel editor with a query e-mail and asked for writers guidelines. I also told him that I have photos to submit with the article (a big plus). After reading my query, he and I e-mailed ideas for the article that would be best for the readership. I composed my article and submitted it with photos. What was surprising to me was that only three words were changed and one short sentence was added to my original article. My first copy was that good.
[Click here to read Patrick’s article. You’ll need to flip to page 24.]

BONNIE: What was it like when you first saw your name in print?

PATRICK: It was incredible to see my name as the author! Same, too, with my photos. I won’t ever forget that feeling!

BONNIE: Have you been published since?

PATRICK: I recently submitted two articles for review and possible publication. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

BONNIE: Any other publications in your sights?

PATRICK: I have three projects in the queue right now. I am looking at a short article for International Living, a medium article for Travel Post Monthly, and an art-themed travel article for publication in an art magazine.

BONNIE: Thanks, Patrick, and congrats on your quick success!

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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