4 Tips For Capturing The Right Images For Your Travel Story

4 Tips For Capturing The Right Images For Your Travel Story

Over the years, I’ve found that the key to capturing the right images and having enough photos after a trip to satisfy an editor is to follow these four easy steps: 1. Come up with as many ideas as you can beforehand I’ve discovered that my cache of images is so much...

No Experience Required – What An Editor Is Looking For

Editors are interested in sourcing the best possible stories for their readers. They’re much more concerned with getting a story that excites them, and which they feel will engage their readers, than they are with the level of experience the writer has under his or...

6 Types Of Travel Article That Sell Best

As an editor, one thing I try to hammer home with new writers is that a story can take many different formats. There’s no one-size-fits-all, and that can be freeing. Just thinking of how to present a story differently can turn a marginal idea into a great one. The...

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