Writing About Travel – From Dream To Reality

When I was 13 years old, I already knew I wanted to be a writer. However, for the next 40 years, I let fear and self-doubt hold me back. I never stopped thinking about writing, but I never sent out queries or submitted my work. I threw almost everything away because I...

5 Easy Steps To Getting An Editor’s Attention

Where should I send my story? It’s one of the top questions I’m asked at travel writing workshops, during writing retreats, and in feedback sessions with beginning freelance writers. But it’s the wrong question to ask. Instead, I encourage writers to start asking this...

7 Ways Travel Writing Has Helped My Photography Career

I will arrive to class on time. I will arrive to class on time. I will arrive to class on time. A hundred times. Whew. As a kid, school and the homework that came along with it were never atop my priority list. Surfing, and girls -- they were. But now that I’m an...

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