Tips For Writing Your First Travel Story

Songwriter Kendrick Lamar said, “If I’m going to tell a real story, I’m going to start with my name.” I think this quote is a perfect guidepost for beginning as a travel writer. So many new travel writers are intimidated by the quest of writing that first travel...

How To Write Catchy Headlines For Articles–Our Complete Guide

How to write catchy headlines part 1: Best practices to make your headlines stand out and grab a reader’s attention As a travel writer, one of the best things you can do for your stories – and for your own career, since this helps you get a “yes” from editors, too –...

How Travel Writers Can Make More Money

The biggest myth I hear about travel writing is that it’s impossible to make a living with it. Before I took the nerve-wracking leap from news journalist to freelance food and travel writer, I devoured every book and blog I could find on the subject. They all told me...

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