Write Stronger Articles When You Travel In The Right Company

“When people join groups where change seems possible, the potential for that change to occur becomes more real.” – Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit
 More and more studies are showing that if you want to succeed at doing something, you should find a community of...

A Supportive Writing Community Can Fast-Track Your Success

“What’s it like to be blind?” the boy asked me. I had been selected to speak to a group of teens in an Atlanta juvenile detention center. The hope was that I might inspire them to make better choices when dealing with adversity and challenges. These were tough kids,...

How To Get Your First Byline As A Paid Travel Writer

Getting that first byline is something that has a wonderful impact. It’s something you never forget. 

My first byline came in a prominent and respected regional magazine which made it all that much sweeter. I have to say, the reason I was able to land this awesome...

How To Take A Mini-Retirement And Still Pay The Bills

Grueling shift work, limited vacation time, and hundreds of hours of overtime had left me exhausted and bitter. I missed holidays with family, rarely saw my husband, and friends had long since given up on inviting me to anything. My job completely dictated every...

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