3 Reasons A Career In Travel Writing Is Worth Pursuing

The view of downtown Denver from my hotel room window includes the cityscape, as well as the Front Range of the Rockies, most of the peaks still capped with snow. I’ve just sipped a freshly brewed cup of coffee while relaxing in one of the colorfully-decorated room’s...

The Benefits Of Becoming A Full-Time Travel Writer

Writer and philosopher Alfred D. Souza said that “Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” I loved being a nurse, and I did that for over 34 years. But in the last few years before I transitioned to full-time travel writer, I dreaded that Monday morning 5.30 alarm....

With 3 Published Articles, You’re On Your Way

There’s something special about getting those first three published articles. With three bylines, you are officially on your way to becoming a travel writer. It’s a milestone worth celebrating because: • You gain confidence. • It gives you momentum. • It helps you...

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