Marketing For Travel Writers: 5 Ways To Get Started

When we’re not traveling, writers spend a good amount of time alone in front of our computers. We have to if we’re going to meet those looming deadlines. But devoting time to our writing to craft the perfect travel article is just one part of the equation. We also...

How To Write For Niche Markets (And Earn More Money)

As travel writers, we all love to see our names on articles in big publications and websites, but getting regular work from these markets isn’t always the easiest thing to do. In fact, if you’re aiming to increase your bottom line in the years to come, your best bet...

The Ultimate Livestream Travel Writer’s Workshop

The Ultimate Livestream Travel Writer’s Workshop

If you long for a career that lets you live wherever you like and work the hours you prefer… then this is, hands down, the best place to begin your adventure. You’ll find out just how easy it is to earn extra income while you travel the world… meet new people… and enjoy the freedom and independence of the writer’s life.

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