3 Benefits of Writing Locally

3 Benefits of Writing Locally

I wasn’t a real travel writer, I never went anywhere. Writing about home felt like a compromise, a concession made because I lacked the money to fly to Venice, explore the Balkans, or cruise Cuba. Without bylines, press trips weren’t on offer. My travel budget was $0....

The 2020 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop

The 2020 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop

October 9-11, 2020 New Orleans, LA Coming Soon More Details Coming Soon If you long for a career that lets you live wherever you like and work the hours you prefer… then this is, hands down, the best place to begin your adventure. You’ll find out just how...

The Changing Face of Retirement

If the phrase “golden years” evokes images of relaxation and leisure, you have a 60-year-old advertising campaign to thank. The phrase was coined in 1959 when America’s first large-scale retirement community, Sun City in Arizona, was pitching its new development to...

New Partners Means New Friends and Opportunities

This is an exciting time. And I don’t just mean for me personally—although I am thrilled to be Great Escape Publishing’s new editorial director. I’m looking forward to being in regular contact with you and sharing the insights I’ve picked up over the last decade I...

Time To Join Me And Build Yourself A Better Life

19 years ago, I never would have guessed I’d be a writer. Maybe like you, I’d never actually written anything. And aside from snapshots of my travels and friends, I’d never taken pictures, either. Fast forward 19 years and now I do both. Fresh out of college, my...

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