The Key To Travel-Writing Success (And Lots Of Perks)

In 2016 I attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in New Orleans.  As I sat in the workshop and listened to the speakers, it was as if a light-bulb suddenly came on. I knew how to write, and I knew how to craft a pitch. It was the marketing part of travel...

10 Reasons To Become A Travel Writer

“It's a magical world, Hobbes, ole' buddy, let's go exploring....” —Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes No wonder I loved reading this comic strip book to my kids when they were little; perhaps I knew, all those years ago, that words between best friends would someday...

The Importance Of Harvesting Your Own Travel-Writing Network

Show me the company you keep and I’ll tell you who you are.  It’s something my friend Erica’s grandmother liked to say but Erica was never a big fan of it.  She thought her grandmother was trying to get her to judge people—to look down her nose at those who were...

Do’s And Don’ts: Sharing Published Stories On Social Media

The feeling you get when you see your first travel story published in a magazine is incredible. You pitched it to an editor. You got the email back—the one that says the editor wants your story. You’re proud as punch that someone else valued what you wrote.   And on...

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