The Trick To Earning A Steady Income In Travel Writing

I spend much of my time traveling the world, meeting new people, exploring new places, hearing new languages, and trying new foods. And I haven’t had a job in years.  I’m far from independently wealthy, and while the majority of the travel I do is for work purposes, I...

Transitioning From A Day Job To Full-Time Travel Writing

The build-up to the New Orleans Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in September of 2016 was exciting and motivating.  Before the workshop, via the closed Facebook group that’s available to everyone who is registered, we all made plans for bourbon tastings and dinners...

Travel Writing Hack To Maximize The Income From Your Trips

Travel Writing Hack To Maximize The Income From Your Trips

Godzilla tore its way down the Japanese highway hurtling past cars.  Godzilla is the nickname of the Nissan GT-R sports car I’d collected earlier from Nissan’s global headquarters in Yokohama.  Of the 10 articles I’ve so far had published from that 2014 trip to Japan,...

8 Tips To Help You Secure More Press Trips

8 Tips To Help You Secure More Press Trips

Hindsight is always 20/20. When you're first starting as a travel writer, everything is new and you’re bound to make mistakes. To help you secure more press trips, here are a few things I wish I had known then that I know now… 1. Patience is a virtue. I’ll never...

How Travel Writers Get To Enjoy The Best Adventures (For Free)

Richard Branson, the English billionaire, recently tweeted: “If happiness is the goal – and it should be – then adventure should be a top priority.” Easy for him to say.  He’s a billionaire with his own private island.  Earlier this week, I put import/export on your...

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