10 Steps To Scoring Your First Published Travel Story

As a longtime cross-country mountain biker, I’m frequently asked what the steps are to making it 100 miles at a time over mountain passes and through rugged – and often unforgiving – terrain.  Obviously, no one just gets up one morning and sets out to bike 100 miles...

So, You Got Your First Travel Writing Byline—What’s Next?

Opening the email, I closed my eyes and held my breath. The response read, “Thank you for the submission. Your writing style is an excellent fit… We would be happy to publish this article.” “I’m so excited!” I exclaimed as soon as my family answered the phone just...

Staying Organized Is Key To Travel Writing Success

When I first announced, “I’m going to be a travel writer,” I never dreamed I’d need a cheat-sheet to keep up with my 4 Ps:  Publishers, Pitches, Published, and Pay But as I had more and more articles accepted for publication, I knew I needed a system. So I decided to...

The Best Way To Get Started In Travel Writing

The whir of the drill close to my right ear brought me back to reality.  Close to an hour into my root canal, the realization dawned on me that I had actually been working on some travel-writing story ideas in my head. My hand itched for my normally ever-present pen...

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