3 Tips To Help You Get Started As A Travel Writer

After returning from a two-month travel spree around Europe, I knew that my life path was on the cusp of changing forever.  I had to keep traveling the world.  The dilemma that we aspiring writers all seem to face is that we have the passion, but no way of...

Can You Tell A Story? Becoming A Freelance Writer…

After a 25-year career in television news and current affairs, I’ve thrown in the towel, leaving the warm confines of the studio for the cold, harsh world of freelance writing. And I couldn't be happier.  So, what does working in a visual medium have two do with the...

Go Local—It Pays To Write Travel Stories From Home

Am I a real travel writer if I don’t travel anywhere?  When I first started out, writing about home felt like a compromise – a concession made because I lacked the money to fly to Venice or cruise the fjords. With no bylines, I couldn’t seek out press trips, and my...

3 Key Tips To Becoming A Successful Freelance Travel Writer

Every single day, I find another reason to love what I do.  As a freelance writer, I’m my own boss and set my own schedule. I get paid to travel often and share the stories of my journeys through words and photos.  When I’m not globetrotting, I work in a cozy office...

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