New Writer Has 45 Published Articles In 8 Months

New Writer Has 45 Published Articles In 8 Months

As I sat in the seats of the 2015 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Denver, I had doubts of my success. That little voice of “You can’t be a travel writer because you have no training” kept rearing its ugly little head.  The article queries I’d sent out over the...

7 Tools For Travel Writing Success

There are a few items that are essential for every emerging travel writer, and had I known about them when I was starting out, it would have made life easier and my progress swifter.  A couple of the things I have listed here are obvious, but there are one or two that...

Secret To Success: Write Your Own Story

I’ve cried at least three times in the last four months... The first was sitting atop the red sand dunes in Namibia. The beauty was overwhelming. I felt blessed but undeserving and wished someone was with me to feel what I was feeling.  The second time was over...

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