5 Ways To Advance Your Travel Writing Career

5 Ways To Advance Your Travel Writing Career

One of the most fun things about FAM trips (aside from free travel) is meeting new people. Not only do you get a whole new perspective when you talk to folks on your travels, but you also build a network of peers and contacts. Even before you're an established travel...

4 Tips To Help You Score FAM Trip Invitations

Going on a FAM trip is like grabbing the “brass ring” of travel writing. It’s when someone selects YOU to go on a free trip, with activities, transportation, luxury hotel stays, and the best meals... all on the house. FAM trips are designed by PR people or tourism...

Get More From Your Travels: Sell Your Photos And Stories

“We are not tourists. We are a family of travelers.” This is what our Vietnam guide said about us on a recent photo expedition.  And it's one of the things I like most about this Great Escape community. Rachel, who I met this past week at our workshop in New Orleans,...

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