How To Land A Press Trip In 3 Easy Steps

What type of traveler are you? Organized or fly by the seat of your pants? Foodie or adventurer Techie or partier? Luxury or budget? Group or solo? Maybe you’re a combination. For example, most people know me as a thrill-seeking adventure writer. What they may not...

The Benefits Of Using Quotes In Travel Articles

When I was a newbie travel writer, I relied heavily on the tips I got through my membership with the ITWPA. A few years ago, there was a 3-part series touting the benefits of using quotes in travel articles. “Well-chosen and properly used quotes are one of the fastest...

Travel For Free: How To Get Invited On A Press Trip

When I was a little girl, I dreamed about castles. I would dress up in my mama’s dazzling 1950’s puffy prom gowns and prance about impromptu chair-and-blanket constructed palaces with my hand-made construction paper crown bobby-pinned to my head. I’ve never been able...

How Travel Writing Benefits Your Health

Studies show that people who travel enjoy a multitude of benefits to their well-being. Traveling – even just an annual vacation – can help lower blood pressure making it less likely to die from heart disease. Traveling can recharge your batteries, and depending on the...

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