In the ultimate case of “I wish that I knew what I know now,” in 2012, a hospice worker published a list of the top five regrets of the dying.

They were (in this order):

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard (This came mostly from men. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship.)
  3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

This can be a good wake-up call… though I don’t think I need to tell you, my friend, how important it is to look at your life right now and make sure it’s the life you really, truly want to live. 

Hopefully, you know this already and that’s why you’ve come to this site.

If you’re hoping for a way to enrich your own life, just scroll through our article archives or sign up for our free newsletter, The Right Way to Travel here for tips, solutions and advice on how to create a new path for yourself… and enjoy and profit from new adventures…

You’ll learn how you can travel the world as a VIP, meet new people, and enjoy the freedom of the travel writer or photographer’s life.

One of our members, Theresa St John, brought this all to mind when she sent me this note recently…

“My mom always wanted to travel and she never got to. I promised her that I would when she got sick and was ready to pass on. And now I feel close to her when I’m doing something new and different, taking a chance on my own life. Thanks to your programs, I’ve made new friends and we keep in touch and push each other all the time. I KNOW I need to get out of retail life and into the fresh air of a real life. This is what’s going to get me there. And I’m having a lot of fun doing it.”

Today, she’s having a ball selling her photos to restaurant owners and magazines. And she’s currently signed with seven different online stock agencies with more than 4,000 images in her portfolios.

Her first published travel article was the one she wrote in one of our workshop classes in Boston… and she sent me that above note after receiving her second invitation for a free trip in exchange for writing about her experiences for travel magazines and websites.

If you have places on your bucket list where you haven’t traveled, or if you’re stuck in a job that doesn’t stimulate you, now’s the time to change that.  No regrets on your death bed.

Travel writing and photography don’t require previous experience… and aren’t something you have to do full-time. In fact, 90% of our members are looking for something they can do part-time, taking just one or two trips a year, and getting expenses paid by someone else.

Some do it just for the fun and free perks.  Others do it for the extra income that comes with it, too.

You could easily get either or both… but the “why” isn’t important. Rather, it’s “when” you act that matters.

Life is too short to wait on what’s important. YOU are important. And the life you’ll one day be proud to have lived is important.

To hear more of Theresa’s story, watch this video on our website here.

I hope it will inspire you to change your own life and the way you travel.

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[Editor’s Note: If you find yourself ready to change your life and the way you travel, and would like to get as much help as possible, right there from home, why not try one of our online programs: The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program or Turn Your Pictures Into Cash. Just click on the program you’re interested in above to get started.]

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