If you love getting a good deal, you’re really going to love this opportunity to make extra travel money from home.

Last week I was shopping at a popular outlet mall near my home in D.C. when I saw a necklace I really wanted for $150.

While I LOVED the necklace, I couldn’t justify paying the obviously marked-up price for it. So I went home, turned on my computer, and pulled up the website we recommend in our Importing Fortunes program. This mega-site has more products than you can imagine… all of them available at a fraction of the price you’ll see at local stores, because you’re ordering direct from the manufacturer. Not from a middleman.

I entered the search criteria for the necklace I saw at the store. And sure enough, up popped the exact same necklace for just $10!

I couldn’t believe my luck (and boy was I grateful I didn’t make the impulse buy at the store). I placed my order and I’m eagerly waiting for my necklace to arrive.

This got me thinking… why not buy a bunch of these necklaces and resell them for profit? When I buy in bulk from this special website, I’ll be able to get the necklaces for even less — as low as $3 each! — and then resell them at a very reasonable price.

My first goal is to make enough extra cash to cover my plane ticket to Paris this summer for a luxurious vacation. That way I can use the money I would have spent on airfare to dine in the cafés and brasseries around the city… shop in the chic boutiques on the Champs-Élysées… and taste the fine chocolates and flaky croissants from the bakeries on every street corner.

However, with my full-time job, I don’t have time to try to find customers who want to buy the necklaces and then to ship them out… so I’m going to set it all up through Amazon.com’s new program, which does all of that for you and makes it incredibly simple.

Here’s how it goes:

  1. Dream — Think of a product you’d like to sell (maybe it’s something you want for yourself, too).
  2. Score — Find it for cheap on the special website described in the program.
  3. Profit — After you receive the goods, inspect them and ship them off to Amazon, which will take care of the rest for you. From here on you just collect the profit.

Paris here I come!

This is the perfect way to fund your travels. It only takes a few hours a week, you can do it from home, and it’s very lucrative. In fact, if you want to try it for yourself, you could make between $2,000 and $3,000 in your first three months with Importing Fortunes: How to Start Your Own Internet Goldmine.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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