Yesterday, I shared Gauri Nanda’s story with you — and how her quirky flying alarm-clock idea was the start of a highly successful import/export business.

But sometimes (in fact often), it’s the most basic things that become hot sellers. I mean, something as basic as flags…

That’s what’s selling gangbusters this past decade, for Kevin Hickey and his wife Lisa.

Kevin and Lisa wanted to start an online business from home, but they didn’t have a lot of funds to play with. What they needed was an inexpensive product they could resell online for a big profit.

So, they began looking for a product they could buy from an overseas supplier and distribute as cheaply as possible. They finally hit on flags. American flags mostly.

Flags are easy to handle and ship. Plus, there was a surprising demand for them. The Hickeys came to the market around the time of 9-11, when there was a new rising trend in patriotic items.

They found a supplier of top-quality flags at huge discounts…and simply sold them online to patriotic Americans.

So…what sort of return did they get from this little bit of work from their basement?

Kevin and Lisa’s company grew from $1 million in revenue in 2002 — just one year in business — to more than $25 million dollars in 2011.

And the truth is, this really is a line of business that’s as easy as it sounds — once you know what you’re doing and you get the right guidance.

If you’ve ever bought anything online – a book, a birthday present, flowers, dishes, an airline ticket, you name it – you have what it takes to do this!! It really is that simple.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


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