I’ve been around the world several times now and never have I seen views like these…

This armchair expedition will help you improve your photo skills

That’s me in the red jacket – the tiny speck on the end of the cliff.

I admit it was a bit cold, so I stayed cuddled up with my husband in a coat before stripping down to pose when the light came out…

This armchair expedition will help you improve your photo skills

This world is such a beautiful place.

I created this armchair expedition in the Faroe Islands because not everyone gets to see views like this. Not everyone can climb to the top of these peaks. And not everyone has the time and money to get out and explore.

But you still want to improve your photo skills… see more of the world… and get feedback on your images from a pro. Do it all through your computer screen here.

If there’s one thing I wish for you this year, it’s that you get out more. Even if that means around your own hometown.

“Out” is where you see acts of kindness and wonderful human beings. It’s where you can smell flowers and the scent of a rain or snow storm coming.

Hopefully you realize how lucky you are to have experienced these things.

Not everyone can, after all. And some have had great lives ripped away by tragic accidents that prevent them from seeing, smelling, and feeling these things ever again.

This armchair expedition is for people like:

• My friend Bev who considers herself to be a life-long learner.

• Travel writers and bloggers like Betsi Hill who want to improve their photography and make money.

• Hobbyists like Wayne Hoover who’ve been on a few of our tours and who want an opportunity to get inside the head of another photographer.

• Travelers like member Sheri Escobar who are about to leave on an exciting trip and want to know the best way to prepare.

• Members like Karen Williams who prefer to travel vicariously right now until her bank account fills up.

• Folks like Gerald Mink who want to learn how to create dramatic landscapes.

• And retirees like Elizabeth Coughlan who’d like a look at the business side of selling images online.

It’s for you if:

• You like landscape or hometown photography.

• You want to “up” your skills and get better at creating great images.

• You’re interested in selling prints and/or photography services online without meeting buyers face-to-face.

There’s a free trailer of our new Armchair Expedition here for you watch and a big discount if you try it before the end of the day today.

You won’t be disappointed.

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To Travel: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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