New Travel Writers Get Free Entry To Attractions On New England Trip
We had both just received our ITWPA membership badges and were keen to start using them. So, when we “met” each other virtually in the Travel Writer’s Café—and realized we both had an interest in touring New England and wanted a travel buddy—we felt inspired to plan a...
How Being Friendly Leads To Amazing Travel Experiences Like This
As a travel writer, when you are friendly and quick to laugh during all the amazing travel experiences that come your way, your whole world opens up with new possibilities. Talking to people, laughing with them, and genuinely enjoying the time you spend with them, is...
Top 5 Ways To Become A Trusted Brand Ambassador
Yesterday, I said that I’m paid by brands to blog about them, and I gave you some tips for making those relationships work. But before that… before any brand finds you, you have to create an audience of people willing to listen to you. It’s about gaining the right...
How To Deal With Sponsored Posts On Your Blog
The blogging industry comes with a lot of mystery and mystique. A reader might see “sponsored post” or “#partner” on one of their favorite blogger’s pictures or blog posts… but what does that really mean? Let’s dive in and discover all the behind-the-scenes details…...
How Blogging Has Afforded Us Baby Boomers A Life Of Travel
It was fearful firing our corporate life for a life of travel. Family and friends said we had lost our minds. All those “what if” thoughts plagued us as we were planning our escape: • What if we ran out of money? • What if one of us became ill? • What if we could...