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How To Fund Trips Of A Lifetime As A Travel Writer

When I was 17, I traveled to the Philippines and worked with 30 other kids constructing church buildings. The adventure was hard but exciting, and I returned home bitten by the travel bug. Today, I write regularly for several luxury magazines, am published in...

5 Steps To Comped Travel Around The World

When the hook clicks open, and the pilot catches the updraft, the cockpit goes silent. An ethereal mood takes over as the aircraft ceases its strain against the winch rope. You are floating on air. Thermals carry you up, currents take you forward. The vista is...

How To Travel On A Limited Budget To The Places Of Your Dreams

“I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list!” This is one of my all-time favorite quotes by Susan Sontag. And it’s true. The list of destinations I want to visit is endless—seriously endless. I’m chipping away at it. But there’s always so much more to discover. My...

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