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Why You Should Be Planning To Take A Trip This Weekend

Why You Should Be Planning To Take A Trip This Weekend

Sitting in the back of a 4-wheel-drive pickup, making our way through the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan where Moses once led 300,000 Israelites out of Egypt, it was hard to stop reflecting on what I might be doing at home in this moment if I were not here. Would I be...

Using Your Camera To Become A Brand Ambassador

Using Your Camera To Become A Brand Ambassador

Nervously, I watched as the horizon of mountains and sky left my sight, while the canyon walls grew taller. My thoughts went back to just an hour earlier as we stood on the airstrip stuffing the last beverages and chocolate into the cargo hold. The pilot did the math...

Why The Tourism Industry Needs You To Create Videos

Have you noticed how ubiquitous the use of video has become? It’s everywhere… from Facebook and Instagram to individual websites, your Google searches, even news sites and, naturally, YouTube. The reason for this explosion of moving images is twofold: 1. Increased...

Why You Should Take A Quick Video Clip With Your Phone Today

Shridhar Chillal, the Guinness World Record holder for world’s longest fingernails, cut them off this year. His thumbnail alone was over six feet long. At 82, he had been growing the nails on his left hand for over 60 years. Now you can see them on display at Ripley’s...

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