3 Tips To Get Started As A Money-Making Videographer
Today, I’m sitting on the end of a dock entranced by the ripples created by the comfortable breeze and the bright sunshine. Over my shoulder in the western sky, late summer thunderheads are building and white egrets are shrimping. This setting makes me think of a...
Tips For Making Your First Video Sale
Shortly after signing up for Travel Videos for Profit, I was talking to one of my best friends who runs an ad agency. She asked if I thought video could help one of her clients gain more visibility for a product, and I was able to tell her what I’d learned from...
Learning To Create A Video On Your Travels Is A Lot Easier Than You Think
Saying the teensy tiny simple little word “yes” started me down my travel writer’s path. Since then, “yes” along with “try” have become my two favorite words. They motivate me, excite me, and have blessed my life with too many amazing new adventures to count. Because...
4 Ways to Get an Editor’s Attention When You Pitch
You wouldn’t show up at a job interview dressed in torn sweatpants and an unwashed, ratty old T-shirt, clutching a half-eaten meatball sub in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, would you? Of course not. As far as editors are concerned, though, if you send a...
Use Photography Skills to Make Your Articles Worth More
Though I’ve never considered myself a professional photographer, I’ve always loved taking pictures. In fact, it was my love of travel writing that prompted me to improve my photography game. Here’s why… During the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in 2014, a...