7 Steps to Take When Starting Out as a Travel Writer
When you have no money, energy, or free time, the thought of starting out as a travel writer can be quite daunting. But after attending the 2013 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop with Great Escape Publishing in Boston, Mass—listening avidly to past attendees’ success...
4 Factors to Building Success as a Travel Writer
One of my favorite movies is Field of Dreams. Kevin Costner plays an Iowa corn farmer who hears a voice telling him to build a baseball diamond in his fields. “If you build it, he will come” says the whispered message from somewhere beyond over and over again. Though...
Use Your Holiday Snaps to Spark Article Ideas
What do you see in this photo? You probably see friends celebrating right? Perhaps a birthday, promotion or other special occasion. But I see so much more. Such as these potential travel article ideas: • Great Places to Catch Up with Friends in … • A Hidden Gem in...
The Benefits Of Networking As A Travel Writer
Ernest Hemingway once said, “Writing at its best is a lonely life.” Sorry, Mr. Hemingway, I have to disagree. While it’s true that we spend hours at the computer alone, we’re not alone in this writing life. It’s been 11 years since I launched my travel-writing career,...
Are These 3 Things Holding You Back From A Travel-Writing Career?
Before I became a travel writer, I remember wistfully looking at the international departure screens at the airport wondering what it was like to fly to those places. At the time, I was working 40+ hours a week with limited vacation time. Between traveling to visit...