What would you have said 20 years ago, if someone told you we would all have tiny, magic keyboards in our pockets at all times that connect us to the rest of the entire world?

That you could simply type in anything you want to know, anything you want to say, find details on where you might want to travel, find specific instructions for anything you want to try?

And that it would all be free advice?

It’s pretty incredible that the entire world is right at our fingertips today. But are you using it effectively?

I’m asking because I’d like to switch gears today to one of our most fun get-paid-to-travel income plans that harnesses the power of the internet to help you become part of a growing, income-earning movement…

People search the internet day after day, hour after hour, looking for anything and everything they need to know… from how to bake the best chocolate chip cookies… to investment advice… to where to go on their next vacation.

And, if you can wrap your head around that idea—the idea that everyone is looking for information, and that YOU have information to share—you can tap into its potential by starting your own blog.

Blogs don’t always earn money. But if you do it right, they can earn you a full-time income and incredible perks. 

This week, we’ll explore:

- How a blog can make you money and where that income comes from…

– A typical day in the life of a blogger…

– Amazing perks and travels that you can get just by starting up a blog…

If you have a particular interest in something (or you wish you did), you can start blogging about it.

Connie blogs about fun things to see and do in the Midwest…

Nathan blogs about food finds around the world…

Jessica blogs about travel, health and fashion, empowerment, and fitness…

And Maria blogs about travel in Europe…

We’ll hear from all of them this week. Stay tuned!

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To Travel: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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