In the past year and a half I’ve done things I always dreamed about but never thought I’d actually do. I’ve taken helicopter rides past historic national monuments and over big city holiday lights. I’ve gone zip lining in a cave, and I’ve floated mid-air in an indoor skydiving experience. I’ve stayed in accommodations ranging from high-end, high-rise resort hotels to upscale family cabins in the woods. I’ve even shared meals with travel industry celebrities and executives. This is my life as a travel blogger. I’m so glad I decided to start my own blog. Blogging is the easiest way to launch a travel writing career. You don’t have to suffer through hundreds of rejection letters before you get an article published. You write what you want, when you want. Some bloggers write just for the sake of sharing stories, some turn it into a source of income, and some use it as a launching pad to other forms of travel writing. Word is getting out among tourism bureaus that bloggers are an extension of an area’s public relations efforts. Bring in a blogger, show them how great the place is, and that blogger will spread the word. It’s inexpensive advertising for them, and they know that good bloggers don’t simply post an article. Rather, they promote it through social medial networks like Facebook and Twitter. If you’re a blogger, you have potential for tremendous reach. So, tourism bureaus are happy to host you for a weekend, wining and dining and showing you the best places the area has to offer. Once your blog is established, there are several ways to begin earning money with it. You can register for advertising programs, write sponsored blog posts or sell travel-related items. You may also use your blog as a stepping stone for other forms of travel writing. I’m in the process of writing my first e-book that I plan to market on my website and sell through Amazon. I’ve also been contacted by other sources asking me to write for them. All sorts of doors are opening in the career field I’ve always wanted, and it all started with my blog. If you love to travel and tell your stories, travel blogging may be right for you. Your blog will continue to grow as you:

  • Choose a niche. A niche is your specialty. Popular niches are family travel or culinary travel. More specific would be restaurants that cater to families.
  • Network with other bloggers. Join social media blogger groups and participate in group discussions. Comment on other travel blog posts, where you’ll be invited to include your website address.
  • E-mail tourism bureau marketing directors, let them know about your blog, and ask to be added to their media lists. You’ll be surprised at how many of them reply with an invitation to visit.
  • Attend consumer travel shows and give your business card to exhibitors.
  • Apply to attend trade shows geared specifically to media (that’s you).

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up today here and we’ll send you a report, Get Paid to Travel as a Travel Writer, completely FREE.]

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